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Red//Blue "who's online" ?

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Well,.... they do help a little around the forum.


--- Quote from: bcbird on July 05, 2010, 17:53 ---Here we go again. On the main page listing of Who's Logged In, I see green people like myself, and red people like Animalover, and one blue Eyespy.  What is with that?  Did he get promoted to a new colour too?  I trust TPC is still the royal purple.

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Ha, Dennis and Larry got promoted to Project helper, then to project staff and now they are just project. Not sure why they turned blue and got extra stars, but is sure seems like patronage to me...    hee hee hee

Here we go again. On the main page listing of Who's Logged In, I see green people like myself, and red people like Animalover, and one blue Eyespy.  What is with that?  Did he get promoted to a new colour too?  I trust TPC is still the royal purple.

The Peregrine Chick:
Haven't tweaked anything except the inactive members ...


--- Quote from: bccs on April 05, 2010, 02:20 ---Hmmmmmm, all the names are blue again, except for at the bottom of the home page where it shows who's on line. Curiouser and curiouser. ???

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She's messing with our heads!


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