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Red//Blue "who's online" ?
--- Quote from: bcbird on June 20, 2008, 23:56 ---(Sorry, haven't figured out quotes yet.)
I have come to treasure time spent on this forum. It was scary signing up and posting at first.
One thread that really touched me involved Liz, Deedream and Enraptured, as you shared agony over the distress of a mother apparently unable to open her beak. It seemed late at night, when horrible fears are much worse unshared. You three really cared for each other through your posts. You were friends. The forum seemed a safe place to share concerns, ask questions and make new friends.
--- End quote ---
Bcbird, the way you described that experience between Liz, Deedream, and I really captured how it felt and the amazing thing was that it was our first real involvement with each other, but it certainly created a bond that I still feel. I'd only joined the forum a couple of days before, so I also experienced a safe, supportive place where no question or concern is silly and making new friends has been a lovely benefit.
To quote, all you have to do is press 'quote' on the top right hand of the person's post that you want to quote from, then immediately a posting box opens up for you to write in. It doesn't matter if the post you want to quote is several lower than the most recent post, just click quote on it and your post with the quote will appear as the most recent post once your finished.
Thanks, and thanks for your part in making me feel welcome, Liz.
Hey bcbird -- it does make a huge difference, doesn't it! It was in the Elk River site, when we saw the mum with something stuck on her face all night. It was definitely a night of sharing stress and nothing we could do about it! And we stayed up too late worrying about it. You're right -- we have found friends here. People who are of the same frame of mind. I hope you felt accepted as soon as you started posting, all fears aside! I sure appreciate your input.
"maintain a connection with our new found fellow bird lover friends." from Deedream
(Sorry, haven't figured out quotes yet.)
I have come to treasure time spent on this forum. It was scary signing up and posting at first.
One thread that really touched me involved Liz, Deedream and Enraptured, as you shared agony over the distress of a mother apparently unable to open her beak. It seemed late at night, when horrible fears are much worse unshared. You three really cared for each other through your posts. You were friends. The forum seemed a safe place to share concerns, ask questions and make new friends.
So, yeah, if there aren't the chicks to watch and talk about, there are non bird related questions, the weather and... to keep in touch.
k I 'll meet ya there.!!!!!!!!!!!
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