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Red//Blue "who's online" ?

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--- Quote from: Enraptured on June 20, 2008, 20:58 ---Hey, that's a good point, bcbird! My sister became a member today and I'll give her a call and ask her to log on and also ask what her member name is and then I'll check that point about 'eggs' being red.  Will get back to you once I've 'sleuthed' for a mo.

--- End quote ---

Just a quick revisit of the red/blue issue!  I got my sister to log on under her new membership and sure enough, she's the only red member out of all the rest of us who are on frequently and are blue.  So, I agree with Liz and others who think eggs and TPC are red....

That was a "copy and paste" from me, not a real quote.   Def my mistake. 

Maybe, but I actually made sure [/quote] was at the bottom and I just scrolled down and found the 'quote in place, just after you smiley face!  And that is where the quote was supposed to end and be purple-ized to.  Weird that it didn't work, even though the [/quote] is definately there... ???   

Usually it works for me, and sometimes it doesn't!

I guess we both made that bottom quote mistake! 


--- Quote from: Enraptured on June 21, 2008, 01:31 ---
--- Quote from: Liz on June 21, 2008, 00:56 ---[/quote
For Bcbird, regarding deleting parts of the quote that you don't want to include, just make sure that the
--- End quote ---
is still at the top and at the end of the quote, otherwise the purple won't happen.  Good luck with it and have fun!

--- End quote ---

And at the bottom, too!  That's where I lost it. 


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