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Red//Blue "who's online" ?

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Yeah Bcbird aren't they pretty!!!

I love my green stars!

The Peregrine Chick:
Okay, colour question has been figured out.

The colours are related to the membergroups one belongs to ....

red - me as Admin and Supreme Goddess of the Sandbox
green - regular members; come 2009, members who joined prior to Jan 2009 and who (by posting at year-end) requested to remain active.
blue - regular members; come 2009, members who have joined since Jan 2009

The stars are the same ...

big red stars - me, Admin and blah-blah-blah
big green stars - active for a second year on the forum (and yes, there will be three stars for those of you who hang around until 2010)
small yellow stars - new members, number of stars tied to number of posts

Now that I'm playing with membergroups, I may add/change them some more in the new year, but they will probably work in pretty much the same manner.  If I can find a way to have the small stars and the green stars show at the same time, will do that too.  But that's for rainy days when its quiet.



--- Quote from: ballywing on July 18, 2008, 19:54 ---I'm not an accountant but I do work in Financial Services - but I think I'd rather hang out in the chocolate closet - or the ice cream & BBQ Chips closet.  :P

--- End quote ---
See you in the W and W thread!

So how much does this have to do with Who's Red/Blue Online?  LOL   :) 

Perhaps we should move this to Wobblin' and Wafflin', or somewhere else in the Peregrine Room.   ;D


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