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2008 Special Edition Tees - Testimonials

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Elaine L:
Tracy, I just wanted to let you know that my peregrine falcon t-shirt arrived, and it looks great, especially with Trey's photo on it, and it fits very well.  I will be happy to wear this t-shirt in honour of the Radisson peregrines.

Just got back from South Carolina yesterday - and what a homecoming! Cold wet - instead of sunny and warm - but finding the t-shirt was worth it. Love it! Thanks so much for having these made, Tracy.

Stopped in at the Radisson this morning and got my T-shirt.  I think I look fantastic!!  I too got a little choked up and wouldn't you know as I was reading the back Elton John was singing Candle in the Wind on the radio.  Felt like an idiot!

I too thank you Tracy for the t-shirts.  They are really nice and I will enjoy wearing it.

Yipeeeee I just checked my mail and the only thing worth keeping was the t-shirt.!!!! Of course I got a little choked up reading the front and the back but again Tracy, thank-you for all the work you do to keep this going!

Yahoo!  The mail today included my T shirt.  It's fabulous, especially the amount of detail on the front picture of our hero, Trey.  Thank you, Tracy, what a great bit of work!


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