quote off of TPC's Blog "So with Phil and Helen's help in Alberta and the assistance of Ken G, Pat and Jim at Manitoba Conservation's Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch, we had all the paperwork in place and the chicks had their boarding passes for their flight tomorrow."
I bet the chicks are in Manitoba somewheres, something to do with the Manitoba Conservations Wildlife and Ecosystem protection Branch, do they have a captive bird place? lol... hmmm,, bet that is where the chickies are, or were, and that is where Darlin Dennis and lurkin Larry have been takin there photos and stuff!!! Whoohooo. thats it! Yup. and they are already now at the Radisson the chicks are, or soon will be, and that is the "ending that Tracy is waitin for to see if Trey and Princess do in fact 'adopt the chicks" Ha ha,,, thats it!
Oh god,,, I don't know.
Makes sense though. LOL.. Wheeee!! This is too much fun!!!!