Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines
Radisson - 2008 / Trey & Princess
Tracy, thanks so much for all that information!!! I have never heard of a sora rail....gonna have to go look that one up!!!
oh my is it ever pouring down. Here and there it would seem. Fairly windy as well.
Super video, great view of the chicks!!! - So no rodents. Good to know, and it makes sense, can't picture these majestic birds running around on the ground....chasing furry critters... ;D..Tracy your answers are so informative, we'll all be experts in no time!!! 8)
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: deedream on May 31, 2008, 08:08 ---lol :D maybe she was perturbed at the less than 5 Star offering! ;D ;D ;D
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If it was a sora rail, she may have been more startled at getting a 5 star offering. A prey study we did quite a number of years ago, showed that for the downtown peregrines, 60% of their diet was composed of four species - pigeons (that because of the sheer number in close proximity), sora rails (shorebirds), northern flickers (also called yellow-shafted flickers) and black-billed cuckoos (I'd never seen one until I saw it dead on the Hotel years ago.) The rest of their diet are similar species, mostly shorebirds and ducks - the teals in particular are popular because they are a common duck and a bit smaller, therefore easier to transport short distances. You won't ever see a whole duck come to the nestledge though, part of one, probably, but it would be hard to tell, they adults would probably only bring the torso, or part of the torso.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: ballywing on May 31, 2008, 09:43 ---I intro'd my Mom to the wonders of this Falcon world yesterday, (another convert!!) ;D - anyway she told me she saw a 'mouse' being delivered yesterday - I wondered about that but I guess maybe they DO eat rodents too.. ???
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Sorry mice aren't worth the effort to catch - no meat and catching them is difficult and dangerous for the peregrines, they do kill themselves when they hunt too close to the ground or other obstacles.
Sorry Mom! :D
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