Author Topic: Radisson - 2008 / Trey & Princess  (Read 551420 times)

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Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1201 on: June 07, 2008, 15:45 »
to think they were alive when he picked them up. Oh My! just brings tears all over.  thank-you Tracy and Kyle for your efforts. I have said this so many times already but after seeing that it brings it home once more.

 :'( :'(

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1200 on: June 07, 2008, 15:37 »
I have a busy weekend and can only stop in for a bit but I wanted to see how we are all doing. I have to be on the road until tomorrow night for my grandsons soccer tournament.
What a day and today seems sort of numb.
Someone else expressed once Eagle63 how nice it would be if humans could get on with things as quickly as our falcons and eagles do but....If it were not for our big hearts and emotions we would not be around to try and help these marvelous creatures of God when we can.

I have my own backyard birds that I feed and try and protect form the crows and magpies. but in my backyard every youngster(bird that is )is welcome
One year the magpie brought its little ones to my backyard in a heat wave as I have lots of shade and a waterfall and pond etc.  I was glad to be able to be a part of that. they were there for 4 days. 

I am sure that princess and Trey will be o.k.
How are we all storm wise. I hope you are over the worst of it. I think we are experiencing all over irregular storms that are probably going to be the norm.

Try and do something nice for yourselves today.


Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1199 on: June 07, 2008, 14:46 »
WOW that is some amazing footage... and what a long way down !.

You get a true feeling of awe to see the firefighter rappelling down the side of the building. 

Stupid me watching it, and STILL hoping its all been a big mistake and the babies are really okay... and that the outcome would be different.

Still so sad today.

Hope everyone is doing okay out there, and that Princess and Trey are feeling the love.


Offline deedream

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1198 on: June 07, 2008, 13:41 »
I am a loyal CBC new follower, but when something happens in Winnipeg, there is another good news website and that is CTV Winnipeg.

If you check out their site, you will also find a story on the rescue.

In the features section (next to the story) you will find "Image gallery: daring rescue" as well as "CTV Live Eye".  I will recommend both.

If you want to see what the Radisson looks like from top to bottom, the Live Eye will give you a good perspective.  The person waiting at the bottom for the firefighter to touch ground is Tracy.

wow what a great article and I watched the rescue and interview on the ctv player.  Really well done.  (You dont see anything bad)  Excellent view of the Radisson and Kyle rappellling down the building.  Nice interview with Tracy.  She is one smart and dedicated lady. Thanks. 

Offline dupre501

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1197 on: June 07, 2008, 13:26 »
I am a loyal CBC new follower, but when something happens in Winnipeg, there is another good news website and that is CTV Winnipeg.

If you check out their site, you will also find a story on the rescue.

In the features section (next to the story) you will find "Image gallery: daring rescue" as well as "CTV Live Eye".  I will recommend both.

If you want to see what the Radisson looks like from top to bottom, the Live Eye will give you a good perspective.  The person waiting at the bottom for the firefighter to touch ground is Tracy.

Offline Moonstar

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1196 on: June 07, 2008, 13:00 »
It is so sad about the chicks.  I was so looking forward to watching them grow and fledge safely.
You can't blame anyone.  It was mother nature. 
The weather just has not been co-opeative this year.
With all that rain yesterday, there really was not much anyone could do.  I do not think the chicks would have survived even if they had been left in the nest ledge. 
It a very sad tragic ending.
I know this is a human response...but I keep wondering how Trey and Princess are.  How do they handle this?
They are wonderful parents.  I was watching the Minnesota web cam and those parents did not seem as attentive as Princess and Trey were.  Just my observation.
I just hope they come back next year and lay eggs, incubate them and raise the chicks to a safe fledging. 

Offline deedream

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1195 on: June 07, 2008, 11:55 »
Oh I here you Eagle.  I was just catching up on my reading, and suddenly came to the end and it was like, wow, normally would be a few pages of info by this time.  So sad still. 

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1194 on: June 07, 2008, 11:40 »
My day now feels so empty without being able to provide you all with play by plays.


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1193 on: June 07, 2008, 11:10 »
I just found this falcon cam last week. I am so sad to hear the youngsters died. I was just telling family on Thursday how I had watched the parents feeding a pigeon to the little fuzzies. I remember a day early in the week where the little ones were all nestling up to their parent and one of the babies had a wee or was it bowl? Anyways it was so random but amazing to watch these little critters.

I will miss checking the falcon cam every morning. Hamilton Ontario has a falcon cam as well but it only takes snapshots instead of being a live video stream. The Winnipeg nest was much more fun to watch and the quality of video is great. I feel like the loss of these birds is very sad and I hope that Trey and Princess have another try for young ones this year.


Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1192 on: June 07, 2008, 10:46 »
After a somewhat difficult time getting to sleep, having some sleep, waking up to a new day I am still finding it difficult to express in writing what I am thinking and feeling. Reading through the posts many have expressed what we are all feeling and finding difficult to articulate. So many thoughts were going through my head in the wee hours of this morning that I couldn't get my braint to shut up long enough to fall asleep. One of the things that crossed my mind though was how simplistic Mother Nature truely is.  Creatures besides humans are born ,eat sleep, breath, reproduce and yes die.  Yet the creatures carry on much faster than we humans do.  It's because of our emotions, souls, ability to think, reason and problem solve that life gets so complicated for us. Another thought that passed through the brain waves is what a roller coaster it has been for the Phanatics from the amazing opportunity witness one of Nature's special moments - the hatching of the 3 chicks all in one day. And then to heartwrenching events of yesterday.  But in the grand scheme of things that's what life is, the up and downs.  And as someone else said, it is rather amazing how 3 little chicks have had such an impact on people from such far reaching places in this country and this world. I feel blessed to have witnessed it all because like so many others not many get that kind of opportunity to be a witness to such an event, at such a precise moment online because it happens so quickly, much less in the wild.

Offline BirdLover

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1191 on: June 07, 2008, 10:00 »
Yesterday, like so many of you, my heart was breaking.  I was so devastated that I couldn't watch the news or read the forum; it just made me start to cry anew.  As soon as I heard that something was wrong, I got onto the forum; only to find the bad news.  As soon as I could, I checked out the other webcams that I have been keeping track of to make sure all the other nests were alright.  I can't believe how attached we can get to these beautiful creatures and their daily lives.  Being able to watch something like the webcams is far better than any television show, because it's REAL.
I am very grateful to everyone involved in bringing us the web cam and all those involved in the valiant efforts to save "our" babies.  And, to all of you who could keep us working folk posted during the times we couldn't be there to see all the exciting moments taking place.
I will keep logging on to this forum to hear what others have to say about other webcams and happenings in their locales. 
My heart goes out to all of you who are grieving along with me.

Offline willmax11

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1190 on: June 07, 2008, 08:53 »
  For those who are not in Winnipeg here is a link to Sat. Free Press about the rescue.
 It has links to pics and video.

 I Googled the news and even saw Reuters UK had picked up fridays story. From the video I think Princess knew Kyle was there to help.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 08:59 by willmax11 »

Offline Doreen

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1189 on: June 07, 2008, 08:12 »
Good Morning all!

I can't believe how swollen my eyes are this windy, sunny morning in Manitoba.  :'(
I like the rest, was at work watching the going on. The people at my work are use to me talking about
the beloved chicks, they went through it last year with Hurricane, Chinook and of course little Missy (Mistral). My day was extremely sad, crying on and off. Checking and hoping. When I got home, I went back and read all the post. Tracy and crew, my heart breaks for you. You have a really hard job and do it extremely well. I have been posting day to day updates on my face book profile with links to the site. Hoping one or more of my friend will get to see the beautiful Peregrines and understand the fascination.
I'm so hoping Princess and Trey will try to have more little ones this year. But if not, I have 8 beautiful pictures of the them. Lots of memories and laughs and unfortunately sadness. To all I'm sure were are all in the same state. Hugs to all and let us continue to come here and comfort each other. To Kyle Schmidt thank you thank you thank you for repelling down the side of the building to save the beloved chicks, unfortunately just a little to late. Here's a big hug for you!

A brokenhearted Peregrine lover.  :'( :'( :'(


Offline Loriann

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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1188 on: June 07, 2008, 08:11 »
""It is about Clarkson, a peregrine chick in Mississauga who recently fell from the nest at the St. Lawrence Cement plant.  An employee was able to rescue and Clarkson is back with family.  ""

If you go to the forum for 'other peregrine cams'' you will see that i too have been posting updates on Clarkson and the peregrines here in Mississauga.

Hope this morning finds everyone well... I know I thought about what happened yesterday most of the night, and was moved to tears again this morning reading Tracy's posts about watching Trey fly.

Take care everyone, and do something today that will make the world a better place for all our wildlife.  Plant a tree, pick up trash, and remember the little birds that touched all of us while you do it.

I'm going up to see our babies here, and see if I can catch of sighting of one of our adults flying.. and think of Trey.


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Re: Radisson - June 2008 / Trey & Princess
« Reply #1187 on: June 07, 2008, 07:42 »
I just wanted to pop in and say good morning to all.  I have much to do today...which is a blessing in its own brain and emotions need a break after yesterday's intensity.  Silly me did try and connect with the cam...hoping to get a glimpse of Trey or Princess...of course, I couldn't..but I knew that ahead of time...I guess old habits are hard to break.  I look forward to Tracy's report..I do hope the weather is better there today and that she will be able to watch P & T soar and dive...I'm sure those 2 will spend the day regrouping and trying to sort out what occured their own falcon way. 

Hope all of you have a great kind to yourselves...I will check back in later today.