Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines
McKenzie Seeds - 2010 / Brooklyn & Hurricane
Tracy, Would you know if there would ever be a webcam for our Brandon peregrines?
The Peregrine Chick:
The Radisson gravel is pristine because it is, we changed it just a couple of weeks before the photo was taken. As for the Brandon box, last time I looked inside, it was good shape. And keep in mind that the cold of winter does help to clean things up by dessicating whatever is there and then the winds blow stuff out.
Rcf didn't say but we must have spent 2 hours all over downtown,when the female flew off the nest the last time we thought she had gone north, that,s when we decided to do a walkabout and there she was on the window ledge, seemed like she was having a nap after all that activity in the nest. We watched her a long time,hoping she would stand up because we could see her quite well. Could even see her eye(that was toward us) and her beak. Bars on her front seem to go fairly high and her bib doesn't seem as white as the male but her back seems the same colur as the male.She was sitting so we couldn't see any of her feet and legs and when she flew off we weren't quick enough to see her bands.Question for tpc does any one top up the gravel in the nest box and check it for safety? The one on the raddison seems so pristine .
We will keep trying, the best place to see her legs is the parking lot on the north side of MTS mast where she sometimes perches. :)
We went to backlane on west side to see if she would stand up so we could see her legs because it's closer. She was keeping an eye on us and of course when she did stand up, she flew away. I think we disturbed her nap ::)
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