Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules

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Speaking of captive bred falcons, I caught the tale end of a feature on BBC the other night.  They were at a falcon breeding facility in Saudi Arabia and they were artificially inseminating the falcons.  It was so weird, they had this huge tray - kind of like those large grey egg trays you sometimes see at farmers markets - and all the eggs had numbers written on them.  It looked a bit like a falcon farm .... I wish I had seen the entire segment but I must say it struck me as strange to see them breeding them like that for sale to falconers.  Which is what they said they were doing.  I just always thought they bred them in pairs but I guess times have changed and they do AI now.  Seems like a large market there for purchasing falcons.

The Peregrine Chick:
the vast majority of all the anatum peregrines are the offspring of peregrine falcons in breeding programs in Canada and the USA.  We were down to single digit breeding pairs south of the about 50 degrees North as I recall.  So breeding programs were set up - the Wainwright facility in Alberta was probably the most productive over the years, but there were a couple of others, one at the Saskatoon Vet College and the other at the Raptor Centre at McGill University (both of these programs had different names but in 30 years, they've changed so I've omitted them here).  About the time the species was downlisted federally, the Wainwright breeding facility closed and I believe both McGill's and Saskatoon's operations are much smaller now.  There are some private breeders now that provide them to projects like ours (remember the foster chicks in 2008?) and/or release them into the wild themselves.  Since breeding peregrines uses alot of falconry techniques, lots (if not most) breeders are falconers as well.

So captive-bred means, bred in captivity either for falconry purposes or for release into projects like ours. 

There is no such thing as "hack-bred" but rather "hack-released".  Hacking is a technique recovery projects like ours has used to release fledge age birds into an area.  All of our early releases were hack releases of captive-bred birds.  Hacking involves putting fledge age birds in a kind of peregrine jail for a week so that they become imprinted on the location.  Food is provided by unseen humans while in "jail" and then one day, the bars are removed and the young birds fledge just like wild chicks.  Because they are imprinted on the location, they return there for food.  The trick with this is to not let the birds imprint on the humans feeding them.  So food delivery is done when the birds can't see you.  For example, birds hacked from the roof of a building like we have downtown, can't learn that opening the roof door means that someone will come out with food.  In fact, the birds can't see humans delivering food at any time, that way humans remain a threat and are to be treated as targets.

Does that help to sort out the confusion Kinderchick?


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 28, 2010, 18:28 ---The West Winnipeg male has a red band which means that he, like Jules, was in captivity - his red band says he is captive-bred.  Jules' band could indicate that she was captive-bred or just that she had been in captivity prior to finding her way to this territory.
--- End quote ---
I'm still not clear on what "captive bred" means and the difference between that and having been in captivity? :-\ Does that mean they were owned by someone, like, say, a Falconer? ??? And I have also read about "hacked bred" on other threads... What exactly does that mean? ???

The Peregrine Chick:
Dennis passed throught the West Winnipeg territory this morning and left me a message ... only one bird visible (him he thinks) so she could very well be in the box, she's been sitting in it alot over the last few days.  Don't suspect there will be much of anything but the essentials today.  Cool and damp.  Real rain is forecast for late tomorrow and Saturday (35-45 mm).

Well, captive bred or not, I'm ecstatic that Jules and Dr.Who have claimed this territory! 
Actually, I'm more than ecstatic..... ;D


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