Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
Today's observation from our WWW:
Those little stinkers, they have been hiding on me!!!
I spent some time at the West site today and noticed for the first time one of the birds on a small ledge lower down on the building. It was in the shade and blended with the building so I don't even know how I spotted it. I have to wonder exactly how long this particular spot has been in use without me noticing!
Later in the evening you could see three birds up on the roof with two apparently playing TAG. One would swoop out of the sky almost onto the head of the one sitting on the roof ledge. Then that one would take off as the flyer grabbed the spot that was vacated. The new flyer would then do a few air circles, which by the way are as strong flights as the adults now - just a little choppy during the landings.
Just before sunset I noticed that two birds were very close together on the lower ledge again. This appears to be a favorite spot now, and I think there may even be a food stash there (seriously - HOW DID I MISS THEM AT THIS SPOT BEFORE??). Like I said, those little stinkers have been hiding right in front of my eyes. A third bird was bedding down for the night just under the pole that is often used as a perch.
I'll try to have more complete observations now that I know where else on the building to look for them
The Peregrine Chick:
I do have alot of shots ... am currently working on setting up a proper photo gallery for WW photos, this is really our first year for them so need to set it up so y'all can find what you want to see easily - also in the hope that Jules & Beau will be back next year and we will have more photos to add to the collection!
And yes, I do have cute "kids all together" images from yesterday ....
--- Quote from: Moonstar on August 05, 2010, 10:52 ---
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on August 04, 2010, 16:01 ---1600 hrs (local) - two of the chicks are lying on their bellies on the corner of the building at the nestbox - they are lying nose to nose ... can't tell who they are as all three chicks are about the same size.
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That just sounds too cute. Any chance you captured a picture of that?
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I'd really enjoy some nest shots, too, if you could, please.
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on August 04, 2010, 16:01 ---1600 hrs (local) - two of the chicks are lying on their bellies on the corner of the building at the nestbox - they are lying nose to nose ... can't tell who they are as all three chicks are about the same size.
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That just sounds too cute. Any chance you captured a picture of that?
--- Quote from: photosbydennis on August 04, 2010, 19:37 ---For those that know and if you bccs early so she can place an order from Tim's for coffee & Breakfast Sandwich...I always seem to miss out on that :( >:( ???
LOL... :'(
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We will be having ours in Edmonton ;D ;D
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