Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules
Well now, I was out and about this morning and as I was walking to my car I heard a very familiar sound. ;D Then I heard 2 very familiar sounds. ;D ;D
Jules and Beau, circling over my head, yakking up a storm, playing, riding thermals, chasing each other, in slow lazy circles. I went to a better vantage point and there they were, no more than 100 feet above me. Wow oh wow. Spent 20 wonderful minutes just watching and smiling.
The B&B is a wonderful site, lucky, lucky, me.
Hopefully they nest where you wish them to.
A couple of new photos of Beau have been added to the gallery.
Some excitement around B&B the other morning...and those will be coming soon !
Have a great week-end... ;)
Cheers !
Older One... :)
--- Quote from: photosbydennis on May 05, 2010, 07:50 ---From April 26th.-May 1st. Beau and Jules seemed to be hanging out allot more at the Bleachers and the Diner...since then they have been seen at the B&B...that's a good thing ;D
--- End quote ---
Is the B&B where the new nestbox is, or the old one? :-\
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