Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Cammie on May 14, 2010, 13:30 ---
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 13, 2010, 13:42 ---This year, Beau took a shine to the location pretty early in their relationship and despite Jules' repeated requests for last year's site.

--- End quote ---
Which peregrine decides where to nest?  I would have thought the ultimately it would be wherever the female decides to lay the eggs?

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The males make a number of scrapes but yes, the female chooses.  But the male influences her decision.  Beau did not like her choice, she'd keep returning to last year's spot and he wouldn't join her often.  A few times, the building is very peregrine friendly for roosting but he didn't like the site for nesting and he kept leaving her.  She'd cry then follow after him - at first right away, then she was more stubborn, then she followed him more often again.  They are much calmer where they are now that's for sure, its much less noisy/busy.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 13, 2010, 13:42 ---This year, Beau took a shine to the location pretty early in their relationship and despite Jules' repeated requests for last year's site.

--- End quote ---

Which peregrine decides where to nest?  I would have thought the ultimately it would be wherever the female decides to lay the eggs?


I am super excited that they chose the B&B to nest this year!  Good luck to Jules and Beau! 
It would be wonderful to have 3 sets of falcon families in Manitoba...great for the future!

Great news :-* :-*

How wonderful, I have been smiling all day. Got Dennis' photo before leaving for work but didn't have a chance to reply since then.

What great news!  :) :D ;D


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