Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
WWW's Saturday the 7th observations ...
Wow, I'm not sure exactly what happened at West Winnipeg around 4pm this afternoon, but something sure got the bird's attention.
I was walking nearby when suddenly I heard squawking like I've never heard them before! Something had two of the birds quite upset - maybe the man bccs saw on the roof was there again? The two birds were dive bombing a zillion miles per hour then looping around agressively, yakking all the way. It only lasted about a minute or so, then suddenly they were both gone and all was quiet.
I'll tell 'ya, if I was the guy on the roof and those two birds reacted the way that I got to see today, I'm pretty sure I would have wet my pants..........or worse.
The Peregrine Chick:
Friday the 6th observations from the West Wpg Watcher ...
Friday evening there was a bit more action at West Winnipeg. For about a half hour there were a few flying around the nest but they were way to high for me to determine if they were the parents or the kids. At one point though it did look almost as if it may have been two of the kids playing air-tag. I was also not able to determine the other flyers based on the flight movements - the kids are now quite strong flyers. Yup, not as strong as the parents - but quite good.
Also spotted one on the roof ledge, one lower on the building on a smaller ledge. It is nice to see that they are still coming back to the nest building at night. This "family" seems to be a little more tight knit than the Raddison nest. They appear to put up with and maybe even enjoy each other's company fairly well.
--- Quote from: photosbydennis on August 04, 2010, 19:37 ---For those that know and if you bccs early so she can place an order from Tim's for coffee & Breakfast Sandwich...I always seem to miss out on that :( >:( ???
LOL... :'(
--- End quote ---
Two things wrong with that statement
1 - You aways show up after the order is taken, or say no..
2 - When has it EVER been Barb that goes to Tim's on the way ? ? ? ? ?
--- Quote from: Moonstar on August 08, 2010, 11:33 ---Just got back fromt the West Winnipeg site. I finally got to see the birds playing and touching each others talons. Also saw Nero try to land on top of Beau. Good thing he comes in screeching, it gives Dad a chance to bolt quickly. Think we saw all of them flying around. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing them flying around. When I left one was sitting on one of the corners out of site from where we were sitting. Not sure where the others were. I guess off hunting, playing or sleeping on the roof.
Enjoyable morning as usual.
--- End quote ---
Sounds like a good day. I'm glad all have been accounted for. Nero sure seems like a real character.
Talon touching and papa pouncing sound like fine games to view.
How nice you were there at the right time, Moonstar.
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