Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules  (Read 171667 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #761 on: July 28, 2010, 21:03 »
Today's observations from WWW:

Such a nice day for flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First I'd like to mention that yesterday around supper time(ish) I had a quick look at the site.  At first I could not see or hear anyone at all from either of my 2 best viewing spots.  After a few minutes I saw a tiny black spot very very high up in the sky.  At first I thought it was a spot of dirt on my glasses but then realized that it was doing very graceful circles higher than I have ever seen a peregrine fly.  I'm sure it had to be an adult; it was still very windy at the site, I could not imagine one of the kids getting up so high, and the movement was much to graceful to be any of the kids.  Simply beautiful.

This morning I didn't spot any action however around noon I got to see two kiddies having a blast, possibly playing TAG.  I saw 2 juveniles (sorry folks, not good enough to be able to distinguish between chicks) doing practice circles around the building.  They seem to be flying higher today that I have seen them fly before.  They are much less choppy with their wing movements - but not yet nearly as graceful as the folks.  Landings still need more practice as well.  I have also noticed that the flights are a little longer in duration and farther away from the nest.

Peregrine Tag:  One bird up on the roof.  Second Bird takes off and does a very large circle around and beside the building.  This process involves a little bit of yakking that may translate as YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!  Upon completion of flight, land near bird sitting on the roof ledge after much erratic wing flapping.  Within about 10 seconds of landing, second bird takes off and goes for a spin.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #760 on: July 28, 2010, 20:57 »
I have a question but am not sure if this is the best place to ask.  I'll ask anyway, feel free to comment or TPC can move the post where it best belongs.

Does anyone know if Peregrines dine on black crows?  I know they eat pidgeon, which we have a lot of in the city, but we also seem to have a lot of black crows.  Seems to me that a crow, being larger, would make for a nicer Peregrine meal.  However, I always see the crows in groups that can be agressive.  Would this make them less desireable?  Why risk a fight with crows when Pidgeon fast food is so easy?  Just wondering.

Crows are about the same size as peregrines so they aren't a first choice though it has turned up a few times on prey lists, though I'm not sure its turned up on ours over the years.  Pigeons are much smaller and easier to transport, crows are very large and would take alot of "work" to get them into smaller packages for transport.  And there are lots of species that peregrines eat, pigeon is only one though it does appear to be popular when feeding hungry chicks - easy to catch and transport (hence why they are called "Peregrine Kraft Dinner).  This pair are very fond of shorebirds - rails, soras, snipes and grebes.  From prey remains, common snipes appear to be most popular pre/post nesting in the West Winnipeg territory. 

Offline RCF

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #759 on: July 28, 2010, 19:48 »
Does anyone know if Peregrines dine on black crows? 

I have seen crow birdie parts at the Brandon site, so Brooklyn and Hurricane were eating crow.   ;D ;D

Offline susha

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #758 on: July 28, 2010, 18:15 »
For some reason, Crows don't seem like they'd taste very good - softer, quieter, less aggressive pigeons seem like they'd be yummier...Don't crows also eat road kill...? :P
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 20:49 by susha »

Offline ShoeChick

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #757 on: July 28, 2010, 14:37 »
Good question Shoechick..I actually looked it up and yes they do sometimes eat crows  but apparently Goshawks like to eat crows alot more. 

Thanks Carly, appreciated.  Wouldn't that be something to see - a Peregrine or Goshawk snatching a crow in mid flight? 

Offline carly

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #756 on: July 28, 2010, 12:48 »
Good question Shoechick..I actually looked it up and yes they do sometimes eat crows  but apparently Goshawks like to eat crows alot more. 

Offline ShoeChick

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #755 on: July 28, 2010, 12:27 »
I've been very quiet with posts on the forum for the past few weeks, but please know that I have been reading with keen interest all the other posts.  So nice to see everything progressing smoothly.

I have a question but am not sure if this is the best place to ask.  I'll ask anyway, feel free to comment or TPC can move the post where it best belongs.

Does anyone know if Peregrines dine on black crows?  I know they eat pidgeon, which we have a lot of in the city, but we also seem to have a lot of black crows.  Seems to me that a crow, being larger, would make for a nicer Peregrine meal.  However, I always see the crows in groups that can be agressive.  Would this make them less desireable?  Why risk a fight with crows when Pidgeon fast food is so easy?  Just wondering.

Thanks everyone for all the reports on the West Winnipeg nest.  Please, keep them coming!

Offline Ellie

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #754 on: July 28, 2010, 11:22 »
Great to hear all this good news ;D

Offline Kinderchick

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #753 on: July 28, 2010, 11:09 »
What a great day for birdie watching. Saw all five within the first 15 minutes of being there.
The kids were flying around the building, yelling and landing, flying some more, getting better and better with every flight.

One of the kids, I'm thinking Nero, was taking great delight in trying to land on top of Beau. He did this 3 times and it made me laugh out loud each time. What a bugger. ;D

Saw an adult and a chick do a talon touch in mid-air, had to be a girl.  
All in all, a splendid fledge watch morning, lucky, lucky me.
Thanks for your wonderful report, bccs! So glad to hear that all are fledging so well! :D

Offline allikat

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #752 on: July 28, 2010, 11:08 »
Still smiling over it Alli.  ;D
I would be too!    :)

Offline bccs

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #751 on: July 28, 2010, 10:50 »
Still smiling over it Alli.  ;D

Offline allikat

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #750 on: July 28, 2010, 10:48 »
A lovely report BccS....sounds like a spectacular morning!

Offline bccs

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #749 on: July 28, 2010, 08:49 »
What a great day for birdie watching. Saw all five within the first 15 minutes of being there.
The kids were flying around the building, yelling and landing, flying some more, getting better and better with every flight.

One of the kids, I'm thinking Nero, was taking great delight in trying to land on top of Beau. He did this 3 times and it made me laugh out loud each time. What a bugger. ;D

Saw an adult and a chick do a talon touch in mid-air, had to be a girl. 
All in all, a splendid fledge watch morning, lucky, lucky me.

Offline bccs

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #748 on: July 28, 2010, 08:45 »
Bahahahahaha. good one GCG   ;D

Offline GCG

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West Winnipeg - 2010 / July
« Reply #747 on: July 28, 2010, 08:37 »
It would have been a lot more fun if we were allowed to wear our Speedos and play with the hose  >:(

S'nausages and tea bags will have to do
:D This A.M. when I went on my computer, I had quite a phanatic laugh. My home page is Their Question of the day is..........Is it OK for a man to wear a Speedo in public?
                                       Yes  12%
                                       No    67%
                                       Only if he is in great shape 21%
When I read this, I remembered the above quoted post from Eye-Spy and nearly choked on my coffee. ;D ;D ;D
Have a great day forum! GCG