Author Topic: Radisson - 2009 / Trey & Princess  (Read 874266 times)

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Offline bcbird

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7761 on: July 06, 2009, 23:29 »
What a great day of posting!  The Fledge Watch Ground Forces are providing excellent on the spot reporting to TPC and end of shift reports.
It is lovely to look at that dark ledge knowing all three are there for the night after an eventful, successful day.  One silhouette, might be a parent or a chick, can't tell, on the orth edge at the wall.  

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7760 on: July 06, 2009, 23:26 »
Big applause for the Ground Forces and Aerial Surveillance Units of this year's Radisson Fledge Watch!!!

Way to go folks, thank you so much for your help over the last three days!

The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7759 on: July 06, 2009, 23:25 »
Thanks 2kawaii now I know where the bro was!

Offline 2kawaii

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7758 on: July 06, 2009, 23:21 »
Update from our Fledge Watch Ground Forces
- male 1 is on the ledge with his sister and is fascinated with something going on down below

- male 2 is the the fascination down below - he's on the window ledge of the nest ledge feature - for those of you who haven't seen photos of the Radisson, this little triangular feature is a window in a meeting room - the window looks northeast so you can see Portage & Main from the Hotel.  The window is on the side we can't see - and there is apparently a ledge wide enough for a peregrine chick to walk back and forth on - new one to  me, can't even remember there being a ledge there - and certainly not somewhere either of the adults has ever tried to roost on ... 

Went downtown earlier today with my fledglings (they don't like to get up early like P & T's do  ;D) and met some very nice, helpful phanatics including kinderchick, bcss, deb52, linderlou, sami and msdolitttle.  8) I'm can't find the birds unless someone points them out (other than on the nestledge). :P

We were there at this point. Here's a pic of where they were sitting.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 23:23 by 2kawaii »

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7757 on: July 06, 2009, 23:16 »
thanks guys for taking care of the chicks . :-* :-*

and thank-you TPC for letting us know what is happening and showing us the sites

i probably will only be able to check in and out tomorrow.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7756 on: July 06, 2009, 23:14 »
Great update, Sami! Sorry you got such a sunburn! Now you know why I choose the early morning!  ;)

Kinderchick, I'll prob wander over every day after work this week, so hope to see you.
If I come down in the evening, it will only be tomorrow, Liz because I'm leaving for holidays early Wed. morning. I'm probably going to miss seeing Sis fledge! :'(

Night all, morning will come soon enough!

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7755 on: July 06, 2009, 23:06 »
Great report, sami.  Having seen some of it, you've described everything wonderfully!  And lol on the flapping
That was when one landed on the bottom of the window. he sat there for quite some time, trying to figure out how to get his wings open - oops, wings open but facing window, oops, can only get one wing open. Finally he got turned outwards, opened both wings and took off,

Offline Liz

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7754 on: July 06, 2009, 23:00 »
Kinderchick, I'll prob wander over every day after work this week, so hope to see you.  

allikat, I couldn't tell either -- the boys look the same to me.  

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7753 on: July 06, 2009, 23:00 »
What a day! I won't need a night light, I've got such a sunburn (never thought to take sunscreen with me and I burn very easily) that I practically glow in the dark! But it was worth it, every minute.
When I first got downtown, Kinderchick was the only one there, she pointed out where one chick and Princess were, bccs checked in, and others came and went all day, some for longer than others, but I never got lonely. Thanks group! We could see only one chick for some time, until that one flew north to the Marlborough Hotel. There was a food drop (Trey, I think), then one bird took off, downward, which scared us. Bccs and debc52 went to check the alley because there were two vans parked there and we couldn't see past them. I went back to Portage to try to see the other bird and saw all four circling around overhead. Of course at that point I totally lost who was who. (whom?) That was when one landed on the bottom of the window. he sat there for quite some time, trying to figure out how to get his wings open - oops, wings open but facing window, oops, can only get one wing open. Finally he got turned outwards, opened both wings and took off, circled, came back and landed on the ledge of one of the windows on the front of the hotel. sat there for a while before taking off again. Not sure if he's the wall climber because shortly after that one landed on the nest ledge just below the top, stayed briefly, then kicked off and flew away. Meanwhile the other one had taken off from the nestledge and headed north up Smith, making like a mini-jet, gaining altitude rapidly.  Narrowly missing the windows (Kensington building?), he sailed off. I guessed hotshot, because he seemed to have more control than the other.
From then on it was a matter of trying to keep track of who was where.Luckily Sis stayed put, but she is one gorgeous chick when you see her with the sun on her. All gold and brown!
Sorry I missed you, allikat, but I had to get home to feed the furries, it was well past their 4pm feeding! And yes, there was a constant stream of people coming to ask us what we were doing, asking about the birds, etc. Even had one who said she was a visitor to the forum.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7752 on: July 06, 2009, 22:45 »
Thanks for your detailed update of your Fledge Watching evening, allikat!  And thanks for sending both boys home to bed! :D I almost made it to the down tonight, but not quite. Possibly tomorrow evening?

Offline allikat

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7751 on: July 06, 2009, 22:41 »
Sounds like you did great work tonight Allikat - way to go!!  
And you even got all the kids back on the nestledge for the night  ;)

Interesting about which bird you thought was which - the back roof of the Radisson is where "HS" hung out yesterday and the SW corner is where "LC" sat with Trey for hours.  Maybe they thought they'd trade views for the day!!  

BTW - "HS" is the wall-walker ... and no, that is not something I have EVER seen one of our peregrines do here ...
That could be the case....I wasn't sure on which male was was hard to see even with binocs, and very good ones from wonderful people.  I assumed, I hate to say that, it was Hot Shot on the Paris building because of the flying skills back and forth to the ledge.  I didn't see any spiderman wall walking, unfortunately, but would love to.  So I may have mixed the two boys up.


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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7750 on: July 06, 2009, 22:34 »
Finally back home from the downtown and some "real life" errands, etc. Just finished reading all the posts since I left for Fledge Watch early this morning. Spent about an hour and a half by myself, bird watching and talking to strangers (now I can relate to TPC talking with strangers!) and a few minutes with msdolittle, bccs, sami, 2kawaii and her own fledglings as well as LinderLou.

lolol, Oldest fledgling of 2kawaii is on the forums now!
Ahhhh, peaceful chickie shadows... 8D

Offline Liz

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7749 on: July 06, 2009, 22:31 »
Thanks, allikat! 
Well well well.......
Today, I really heard them chatting back and forth to each other even over the noise of the traffic.  It was a lot of fun!!!!!
I forgot to say that -- us too!  Just before the storm blew in (or didn't really!), Princess flew over the chimney on the Marlborough where the boys were sitting, and screached at them.  I said to MsD that I hoped she was telling them to get their butts home before the storm hit. :D 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7748 on: July 06, 2009, 22:29 »
Sounds like you did great work tonight Allikat - way to go!!  
And you even got all the kids back on the nestledge for the night  ;)

Interesting about which bird you thought was which - the back roof of the Radisson is where "HS" hung out yesterday and the SW corner is where "LC" sat with Trey for hours.  Maybe they thought they'd trade views for the day!!  

BTW - "HS" is the wall-walker ... and no, that is not something I have EVER seen one of our peregrines do here ...

Offline CeeBee

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #7747 on: July 06, 2009, 22:26 »
Three silhouettes - so peaceful.