Well well well.......
Even though I was alone there for awhile, it's amazing how many people stop and ask, "are you looking at the birds up there...what are they?" That's actually really fun because a crowd gathers to listen what you to say.
I wasn't alone for long as two very nice people stopped in for their falcon fix before they went home for the night. They mentioned to me that they just have to stop in the morning to see how the falcons are doing and have to stop in the evening to check in. They were wonderful people to stand and watch with. I thank them both for the use of the high powered binocs, mine are small, but do the trick! I'm sorry you two, I can't remember your names, but I know you'll remember mine!

Thanks again for standing with me and watching.
It was different than yesterday for some reason. Today, I really heard them chatting back and forth to each other even over the noise of the traffic.
I'm thinking it was Hot Shot that was flying from the Paris Building to the ledge a couple of times....he's getting really good. He just takes off and flies and lands pretty well. He seems to like the top perch on the southwest corner of the Paris Building. Now Little Charmer, again assuming it was him, was on a peak on the side East side of the Radisson. If you look at the side of that side of the building, above the parkade roof, there is a set of windows, probably about a dozen or so in a row. There is a slight angle that goes up to a peak...very close to where the cam is, that's where Little Charmer was for about 2 hours until he flew down to the ledge.
Now, I'm sorry I couldn't really tell if it was Princess or Trey on the Paris building tonight as he/she was facing north, but form the coloring of the head, I think it was Trey. He was there the whole time I was, watching our three babes doing there thang.
It was a lot of fun!!!!!