I am so excited about the return! Do they not travel together Princess and Trey! Why would one be here and not the other? Sounds like a dumb question now that I posted it..lol
I think TPC said last year Princess came back first, then her son showed up (forget his name) and 'Tried it On' with her, she told him where to go, and then Trey showed up after? - Or something like that? 
There are some reports of peregrines hanging out together on migration, nestmates if I remember correctly (I'll check), but no, Trey and Princess in all probability don't migrate with one another. This is the first year they have re-appeared on the same day, usually they are a few days apart, sometimes him, sometimes her. Departures are the same thing, in 2007, she left a month or more before he did, last year, I think they left within a day or two of each other, but they were harder to spot on a regular basis by migration time last fall ...