Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines
Radisson - 2009 / Trey & Princess
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: ballywing on March 31, 2009, 13:22 for avoiding the East Nest Ledge - YES!!!! - TPC, do you think Princess actually remembers what happened, or maybe it's just 'Bad Vibes'.... ???
--- End quote ---
Do I think she remembers specifically that it was there that she lost those particular chicks, I'm inclined to say "no". They appear to be very pragmatic birds and while they are very protective and maternal/paternal to their chicks, when they have lost a nest, they are quiet for a bit then continue on, almost "making the best of a bad situation". And no, I'm not be anthropomorphic, rather I'm using human phrases to convey a sense rather than an intent. They didn't re-nest last year and they declined to foster the chicks we offered them, that was pragmatic as well I think, so much energy expended already, decision made to decline and make sure that they recouped their losses all with an eye to this nesting season. And that's where I think its important to make a point - their goal is to ensure the continuation of their genes, and they are very good genes to pass along - look at all of the Manitoba birds that were nesting in and out of Manitoba last year. To that end, they are willing to put up with all manner of indignities (rain, snow, wind, sleet, etc) and expend huge amounts of their personal reserves to give their chicks a fighting chance. But when the chance is gone, they commit to the next generation be it a re-nest, or waiting to nest the following year. I don't think they are sentimental (if that is a term that can be used) but I do think they are sensitive. I do know that they are committed to their chicks, be they present chicks or future chicks. If they lose chicks even with that kind of committment, they have done all they could. Does that mean that they were unaware of the loss of their chicks last year? No, both Princess and Trey visited the nestledge the following day and made a thorough inspection but I do believe that they knew the chicks were lost by the time Kyle got to them.
Princess and Trey have alternated from box to ledge for 4-5 years now, so can I say that they are choosing one over another because of last year? No, I can't based on their past performance. Do I think that last year's loss might influence their decision? Can't say though I'm inclined to think it is a possibility. How much influence? No possible way to tell, if at all.
Does that help ?
Ooooooooh Mother Hen - could you just stick a video camera out the window maybe??? - ;D ;D - You are sooo lucky, I don't know how you get any work done between March and September!!!! for avoiding the East Nest Ledge - YES!!!! - TPC, do you think Princess actually remembers what happened, or maybe it's just 'Bad Vibes'.... ???
thanks to Motherhen and Tracy for posting.... until the cam is up, it's essential for us non-peggers to keep in touch. excellent photo's of Trey as well, I immediately checked it against my shirt! big thrill for me this morning when in a meeting on the 25th floor at King & Bay and a peregrine flew straight down Bay between the towers at eye level for me! so distinctive, fluid, impressive!! of course others were a bit startled when I jumped and hollered and ran to the window ;) LOL
The Peregrine Chick:
1211 hrs and all is clear on the eastern front (big surprise ::) )
hmmmmmmm let minds wonder lol
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