Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2009 / Trey & Princess

<< < (1940/1988) > >>

Thank you TPC, for all that great information. It helps to keep things in perspective.
Although my heart is in my throat as I read and wait with everyone else.
I read the posts even if I don't write in often.
Will be checking in again tomorrow.

Beautiful post Tracy, you really do have a way of making sense of things in such a calm and deliberate manner.

Wow TPC!!!  What an explanation!
Thank you for being TPC!!!!   :D
I just remember that photo you took of Trey on the nestledge the day after Black Friday...  All our hearts just went out to those two with their dedication to those chicks during that brutal weather!  I hate to put human emotion in this but, in a way, I want them to remember what happened last year so they don't nest there again!
The West Side has a wonderful new box and it's just calling for them to nest there...Come on Princess and Trey!

Saw nothing on the east today.....except lots of snow this afternoon!  I can't believe this weather......

Whew!!  :D - very informative TPC! -  and if they're following a 'Taking Turns' pattern - hopefully it doesn't mean we need to start worrying that they'll be back on the dreaded East Ledge next year!  :o.....Guess we need to get this year done first. Hope they don't mind the SNOW that's flying around out there right now!!! Better now than AFTER the eggs come though. That's IF it's P&T out there..........Aaaah course it is....  :P


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