Tracy, is it true that we're waiting on a web designer to come back from holidays to get the webcam going?
No. Webcam is working fine (has been for a month) and we could flip the switch at any time. We are delaying the launch until we have exhausted our chances to get a nest tray in place. The window of opportunity is closing quickly so the cam will go live very soon.
The webcam has two functions:
- a recovery function = to monitor the nesting peregrines remotely thereby reducing the need to unduly disturb them to check on their progress.
- an education function = to enable the public to learn about the peregrines, understand the complex issues involved in at-risk species recovery efforts and to foster a committment to environmental stewardship.
When the recovery function of the webcam comes into conflict with the educational function, the recovery function takes precedence as that is the primary purpose of the Project.
I will let everyone know in advance, via email, on the Forum and everywhere else we can access, to let you all know when the webcam will go online .
The Peregrine Chick