I didn't realize that you put a band on both of their ankles, TPC. Why 2 bands each?
The band we have to put on is a silver USFWS aluminium band which has an unique 8-9 digit number on it. Its part of a continent wide process of banding birds, each bird banded (of whatever species - ruby-crowned kinglet or whooping crane) has a unique identifying number. Problem is that we can't read the number unless we have the bird in-hand. So, we put a coloured band on the other foot - the colour means wild-hatched or captive-bread and then the numbers/letter combinations are unique and visible with binoculars or spotting scopes or webcams

Also was that a camera I saw you holding up to the top of each bucket? Were you taking photos up there, as well as banding the chicks?
CBC provided me with a "flip cam" a small hand-held video camera to take up with me. Because I need to be able to help keep us off the wall and keep my safety line running, I couldn't take video on my way up. I did manage to get some video of the chicks-n-buckets and some on our way back down when my assistance was not needed. Don't know if CBC will use it, I do know that because today was a heavy news cycle, the story ran on local 6pm news but if it runs nationally, it may be on tomorrow night - 11pm I think. I wil post, in the Interview Thread, the website link and more scheduling information for those who want to watch.
PS - I'm moving the Interview Threads to the Radisson Thread, they are "on topic" ...