What we have noticed over the last few years is that Trey & Princess' chicks tend to be on the small size, in particular the 2007 chicks. Mistral was smaller than any peregrine chick we have ever had - 1/2 the size of our smallest male chick in fact. As for the rest, they were all male size in body and leg sizes however we have found that Hurricane is actually a female even though we banded her as a male - male bands don't fit on normal sized female legs - look at your hand, the difference in size is close to the difference between your pinky and your thumb, a not insignificant size differential. We also know that Taku was a female from her necropsy, but her feet/ankles looked male sized to me when I retrieved her. Now all we have to do is hear whether Chinook is a male ... he was the same size as Hurricane at banding but when we last saw him, he was with his sister, Mistral and they were of a size. Granted Mistral had grown alot between banding and fledging, a bit like our girl here. Speaking of which, She looks larger than the 2007 females ... the bigger of the two males this year (the one with more down visible) is more the size we normally have for females ...
Can't say it doesn't get interesting sometimes ...