0913 hrs (local) - Trey eating on the corner of the Paris Building, Princess had been earlier observed on the Sterling Building by Dennis. Hot Shot has, it looks like, dropped down behind the ornamental cornice along the front edge of the Paris Building - Trey was feeding him - makes it hard to view the details with the webcam I'm afraid.
Bccs is downtown watching from Portage, I'm headed down with my laptop in case I can get access and continue to play with the camera. At the moment the camera is set up to see both the nest ledge (all of it so you can count the remaining chicks) and the corner of the Paris Building which is the most common place for thise chicks to go when they fledge - 1996, 2006 and so far this year. Not sure if Chick 2 will depart today, not sure it looks motivated enough to go ...
If I can't get access to manipulate the camera downtown, I will see if Larry is around but no guarantees, he does have "another" life so ... at the very least we will still post updates to the Forum.
Will post again before I head out ...