For those of you wondering how we know that the "Little Charmer" is on the Paris Building, check out Dennis' photos and you can see the chick on the vent ... Dennis and Bccs watched him drop to the roof and there has been no movement caught either by the fledge watchers or the camera since then. And it is common practice of the adults to go sit near one of the fledged chicks on fledging day ... or at least it is common with these two ... I've seen this same activity with all their fledges in the first few days ...
Since the wind is calm, if/when the chick comes back into view on the Paris Building, that there is a pretty decent chance that he will try to fly back to either the nestledge or the Parkade roof if his brother is still there ... the chicks tend to hang around together after fledging, some more than others, and there seems to be no gender bias ...