Bev, the dome may be higher than it looks, but probably not as high as you think it is! The building was originally a bank and is probably about 3 stories high (I'm guessing, but it's lower than the building where Bccs views the ledge and that one would be 4-5 stories).
Actually, the dome on the top of the Vital Stats Bldg. is higher than that, Soarise. bccs's building is about 5 stories high, I think.

From the the 8th floor of the Radisson parkade, we were a few stories higher and the dome appeared much higher than us, although we had a perfect view of all the goings on, on the dome, from where we were situated. If we had remained on the street level, we could not have seen the top of the dome platform and would not have seen the boys at all, for a few hours. We were also just a few stories down from the nestledge and could occasionally see sis on the nestledge, when she and we, would stick our heads out at the same time.

Ooo! Looks like the boys have left the dome platform. Wonder where they are now?