Its still pouring downtown (check the cam) and all three chicks are fine. Vesper has flown from the nestbox and is on the south side of the hotel on a ledge at roof height. Ty (Little Charmer/Head Tipper) is on the corner of the Paris Building (the cam is pointed there now) and Tupper (Hot Shot/Wall Walker) is on the administrative office window ledge on the east side of the building - they are south and a bit higher than the nestledge. Princess and Trey were hunting pigeons (much to our Ground Forces' delight) before the rain came, they have probably dined and once the rain is done, will find food for the young'uns.
Even though it is raining, the Ground Forces are tonight having too much fun to head back home yet, so there may be more reports before the evening is done.
Going back to hunt up our chicks with the cam now ...