Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson  (Read 141906 times)

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Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #528 on: July 21, 2010, 15:28 »
Bev just called from the site.  Both Red and Blue are flying great.  Starting to venture further and further and taking more flights.  Red seems to want to play tag with Blue, but she doesn't want any part of that right now. 

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #527 on: July 21, 2010, 14:53 »
Really sad news to report tonight.   

I arrived for my shift this evening, to find out that Yellowband had died.  Peter and Becky were at the site, and said that while Yellow was above the Emergency entrance, he was spooked by people in the buildings, and ran into the window trying to escape, and broke his neck... 

So very sorry to hear this sad news about "Yellow". :'(

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #526 on: July 21, 2010, 14:41 »
Carly, you have a great way of turning to the positive. 
It is very sad about yellow band, but you have reminded us of the other good things happening and to look forward to.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #525 on: July 21, 2010, 10:37 »
Thank you for the update Peter.  I'm so sorry little Yellow didn't make it but happy to hear that Red and Blue are flying well!

Great news on Miss Edmonton having her transmitter removed, hopefully that will allow her to return earlier next year - I guess we'll see now if that was affecting her migration pattern.  I'm glad that at least one of her eggs has hatched and I"m sure Grandma Bev will enjoy being there for the banding.

Take care!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #524 on: July 21, 2010, 09:47 »
Good Morning Everyone.  Mr. Bev here.

I see in reviewing some of the posts that you have already heard the sad news.  I'll just give you a little update and more of the days events.

To start off with, We had lost yellow on Monday and couldn't find him.  When I went to the site in the early morning on Tuesday (as Bev was really sick - bad hamburger).  I still could only see the two chicks.  Suddenly "Blue" flew around "Maz" building and onto the hospital.  She had been bouncing around on the netting and fell off and basically was forced to fly.  She had a great first flight - landing was not the greatest but thats to be expected.  It was almost like a divine intervention as while observing "Blue", I noticed some movement over to the right and lower down on the hospital.  Closer inspection revealed "Yellow" perched on a window ledge.  Now we had all three again.  "Yellow"  moved around the hospital window ledges and unfortunately ended up on the roof of the emergency.  It is a low roof and made for easy observation but was really too low.  I contacted the biologist, who suggested we monitor her closely.  So to better monitor her we talked the hospital security to get us access to the windows to the roof.  This roof is walled on three sides with offices.  When we looked through the window she was laying there on the roof.  What I think happened was that she was caught in the area and when the people were moving around in the area she got spooked and tried to fly and flew into the wall, breaking her neck. 

I know its sad news but unfortunately thats how nature works some times.  She is now with "Swoop" (columbus chick who fell to her death earlier this year) soaring those eternal skies.

"Blue", and "Red" are doing well.  "Red" is the eternal "stinker" as he was last year divebombing her sister on her maiden flight and knocking Mom off her perch continually.  Mom will eventually tune him in, I'm sure.  They are both eating and flying really well.  Now its not so much watch time as chase time as Bev and the rest of the watchers will be running to keep up with them.  "Red" is already chasing mom across the skies for food and soon will be taking it from her.  All part of the training.

Bev, when she gets a chance tonight will be posting some pictures, I'm sure.  "Yellow" was turned over to the biologist, who invited Bev to the banding of "Miss Edmonton's" first chick in a few years.

She laid four eggs but only one hatched.  Exciting for Bev as this was her first female that she watched.  The biologist also managed to capture her and take off her transmitter.  So she will be flying more free.  So with bad news and tears comes good news too.

Offline sami

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #523 on: July 21, 2010, 09:11 »
How very sad. This hasn't been a good year.

Offline Rose

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #522 on: July 21, 2010, 08:08 »
very sorry to hear about your little miss, I know how you must feel :'(


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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #521 on: July 21, 2010, 07:54 »
Thanks for posting, Elaine.  It was sad indeed, but at least, unlike last year, we have the comfort of knowing.  Bob and I had stopped by for a short visit after work and that's when we found out.  At that point, Blueband was sitting on a stone post above the spot where Yellowband's body had been found.  That was very sad.  We were kind of worried about Blue.  But then she flew up to the roof of the MAHI and seemed that all was well.  We walked over to the other side where Peter and Becky were and watched as Redband chased his mom around.  He's a great flyer!

We'll be back for our regular shift after work today ... keeping my fingers crossed for an uneventful day.

Offline RCF

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #520 on: July 21, 2010, 05:15 »
That is so very sad to hear.  :'( :'(

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #519 on: July 21, 2010, 05:00 »
Oh that is heartbreaking news.    :'( :'( :'(
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 05:08 by carly »

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #518 on: July 20, 2010, 23:26 »
Thanks, Elaine, but what a tough report to have to give.
I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Yellow.  
It must have been very hard for Peter and Becky to see, as they had been on watch hoping to keep her safe.  
Very sad news.

Offline Linder

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #517 on: July 20, 2010, 23:25 »
So sad to hear this news on yellow band, another tragic loss to deal with.  :'( :'( My thoughts are with you all and pray that it goes well for the others.

Offline Elaine L

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #516 on: July 20, 2010, 23:18 »
Really sad news to report tonight.   

I arrived for my shift this evening, to find out that Yellowband had died.  Peter and Becky were at the site, and said that while Yellow was above the Emergency entrance, he was spooked by people in the buildings, and ran into the window trying to escape, and broke his neck. 

I expect Bev will report more later, when she is feeling up to it.  I think I speak for all of us in saying that this has been tough for us to handle.

In more positive news, both Yellow and Blue were alive and well on the Clinical Sciences Building when we left tonight; they both seemed to be getting good height and distance in these, their very early flights.

And we wish them a happy and uneventful night.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #515 on: July 20, 2010, 15:56 »
Thanks for the great news, Bev. It's good to have a confirmed sighting of Ms yellow!  :D

Ditto!  Hopefully the little one figures out how to get back up on her own but at least you are there watching her in case she needs a helping hand  :-*


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Re: U of Alberta - 2010 / ? & Radisson
« Reply #514 on: July 20, 2010, 13:50 »
Thanks for the great news, Bev. It's good to have a confirmed sighting of Ms yellow!  :D