Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Mississauga - Executive Centre - 2008-20

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The Peregrine Chick:
BOT - Google "street view" neat way to see what nestsite locations look like ...


--- Quote from: carly on March 29, 2010, 17:28 ---That's kinda creepy  :o!  Not you of course  :P but I mean that you technically could spy on people if you were a bit unbalanced. :-\

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Naw Carly, Loriann is kinda creepy ( running and hiding as fast as I can. )

hey  !  who ya callin' unbalanced?  muhahahahaha  lol


--- Quote from: Loriann on March 29, 2010, 17:25 ---its a stalkers best friend..  muhahahahaha...  and want to hear something hilarious?   we were out shopping one day last May, and saw the Google Street View car three times.. we commented on it, and then went home.. as we were getting out of the truck the bloody thing went by our house, and took the picture....  when i google my address, there i am, standing on the porch, pointing at the car as it goes by.. lol.. forever immortilized by the google street view car.......... lol

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Oh now, I need to see this!!! 

That's kinda creepy  :o!  Not you of course  :P but I mean that you technically could spy on people if you were a bit unbalanced. :-\


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