Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Mississauga - Executive Centre - 2008-20

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The Peregrine Chick:

From Loriann in Mississauga ....

As of April 13th we have FOUR eggs.. Cass ( 2009 michigan ) and Sante are going to be parents!

The web cam has been live on and off.. the weather here has been a factor.  The weather has been miserable ( almost as bad as yours), cold, wet, windy, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets, freezing fog, locusts, frogs etc..

The Peregrine Chick:
You are welcome AnimalLover  :)

(moving this to the MEC thread .... )


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 18, 2012, 10:12 ---I don't know about that story I'm afraid Animal Lover, however, in Ontario at the Mississauga Executive Centre (MEC for short) they had a rescue and taken out of town story ... might that be the one you are thinking about?  MEC does have a chick of theirs nesting down in Michigan right now ...

I haven't checked the Cdn Peregrine Foundaion website for MEC updates and haven't heard from my little bird in Ontario, but here is their observations page:  http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/mississauga-executive-centre/

If this isn't the story, someone else on the Forum might have some information for you ..

--- End quote ---
Yes Tracy this is the story I was looking for thank you very much!

The Peregrine Chick:
I don't know about that story I'm afraid Animal Lover, however, in Ontario at the Mississauga Executive Centre (MEC for short) they had a rescue and taken out of town story ... might that be the one you are thinking about?  MEC does have a chick of theirs nesting down in Michigan right now ...

I haven't checked the Cdn Peregrine Foundaion website for MEC updates and haven't heard from my little bird in Ontario, but here is their observations page:  http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/w/c/sightings/mississauga-executive-centre/

If this isn't the story, someone else on the Forum might have some information for you ..

(Originally posted on the Ask the PeregrineChick thread ... )

I don't know where this question goes so I will put it here this question is for anyone who can answer it.  There was a Letter I think it was from Narural Resources or a Peregrine Falcon Project in the US about a Peregrine chic that fledged and was taken by I think a falconer to a animal hospital far out of town.  I was looking for a update if there is one but I forgot where it was from somewhere in the US I hope someone can remember.  The Natural Resources or Peregrine Project in that US city was not very happy about the chic being taken with out them being notified I was interested to know of the outcome for this poor Peregrine chic if you heard anything further thank you.


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