Author Topic: Saskatchewan / Regina - City Hall - 2009-2013 / ? & ?  (Read 22785 times)

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Offline allikat

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2012, 10:18 »
Was downtown yesterday and stopped to look up and around. 
Unfortunately, I didn't see anything but pigeons.  ::)
I will be back out today!

Offline Donna

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2012, 23:27 »
ok, take a deep breath, count to 10,  and walk slowly downtown :)   but if you see something let us know,  was kinda thinking may have to make a shopping trip to Regina this weekend :)

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2012, 23:05 »
I'm just beside myself...I'm going to make a huge attempt to go and see what's happening in my downtown circle this weekend!  I can hear the kak kak kak kak kak right now!   ;D

Offline RCF

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2012, 08:35 »!  Just a wee bit excited here!  I can't believe it!  I didn't know!  Peregrine falcons, here I come!!!

That's great news for you allikat!!  8)  I'm thinking you're going to have a new favorite spot to visit!!  ;D

Offline allikat

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2012, 21:55 »!  Just a wee bit excited here!  I can't believe it!  I didn't know!  Peregrine falcons, here I come!!!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2012, 13:57 »
This is great news! Thanks for posting the news clip, Donna. :D So now I am wondering, TPC, if there have been peregrine falcons in Regina in past years and if there used to be a nestbox, why is there no longer a nestbox there? ??? Sounds as if there may be a resident pair who may really want to nest there on City Hall.

The birds have been absent for a number of years so it could be that the old nest was removed because it was just getting too old or was in a state of disrepair.  Or work might have been needed on the building and the box needed to moved/removed to do it.  Or the box is still there but the birds haven't found it or don't like it enough to use it.  Hopefully I will have more information soon.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2012, 13:31 »
This is great news! Thanks for posting the news clip, Donna. :D So now I am wondering, TPC, if there have been peregrine falcons in Regina in past years and if there used to be a nestbox, why is there no longer a nestbox there? ??? Sounds as if there may be a resident pair who may really want to nest there on City Hall.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2012, 11:05 »
Thanks Donna, great clip!
Have emailed my contacts in Saskatchewan, will let you all know what I hear when I hear something ...

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2012, 10:15 »

Offline Donna

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2012, 10:04 »
Looking forward to hearing what you find out, postive or negative.  Could be a good reason to go to Regina :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2012, 09:29 »
Hadn't heard anything about these birds - not this year or last!!!  Going to have to make a phone call ...
Thanks for this!!

Offline msdolittle

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2012, 09:04 »
My friend just moved to Regina.  His neighbour told him there were Peregrines nesting at City Hall.  I thought she was refering to the ones a few years back but maybe she is talking about this year.  I'll have to look close next time I'm there.

Offline Saoirse

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Re: City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2012, 08:53 »
That's really interesting. I don't remember hearing anything about them last year, but wouldn't it be great if they decided to become a permanent fixture in Regina!

Offline Donna

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Saskatchewan / Regina - City Hall - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2012, 08:44 »

Hi Tracy
This morning there was a small blurb on CBC Regina radio that there are two falcons at Regina City Hall. Also said it was the 2nd year for them. Any word on did they nest last year?  Look like they are nesting this year?  Who they are?  

Offline bev.

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Re: City Hall - 2009 / site inactive
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2009, 12:43 »
I am going to look back in my notes and see if I can find where this person,  from Regina, said he watches the peregrines. He was specific that he watched them this year. 

I told him there was someone from Manitoba moving there and that they would like to find out where.
i was so busy at the time. but I will check it out.