Author Topic: ON / Etobicoke - Bloor & Islington / 2008-21  (Read 115930 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #470 on: July 19, 2010, 13:29 »
'Tis the time of the year when fledglings, and therefore future rivals, start moving greater and greater distances ... these kinds of things happen pretty much everywhere.  Even though Chinook & Mistral (2007), Vesper (2009) and Isis-Kali (2010) weren't gone for long, it is one of the reasons I try to put them back in the nestbox and slowly/quietly re-release them.  Hopefully they don't rush out of the box but rather are sort of back where Mom/Dad last saw them.

Not sure where or how Mercedes was released, maybe not so easy to access the nestsite at this time of the year without causing problems for the adults/sibs ...

Offline bcbird

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #469 on: July 16, 2010, 23:28 »
Your reporting is never dull, Carly.  You sure have the drama at that site! 
Thank goodness Mom was talked into taking little guy back.  It would be nice to think that Mercedes perhaps had Dad looking after him during his absence. 
Hope things calm down a little from now on. 

Offline bev.

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #468 on: July 16, 2010, 22:02 »
I am so happy that Mercedes is back Carly. :-* :-* With some good feeds form mom , he will right in no time.

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #467 on: July 15, 2010, 19:04 »
So we are back to three boys again.  Mercedes actually turned up within minutes of Jack 2 days ago but it was such a chaotic event and at one point I thought perhaps that one of Jack's other 'sons' had followed him here from his other territory  so I wasn't sure what I was seeing.  Luckily I had witnesses who were just as perplexed as I was... ::)

I won't go into the harrowing details but it involved a mother not recognizing her son after being gone for almost 2 weeks...we won't mention what she tried to do to him but it wasn't pretty!  Fortunately his brothers knew who he was and rescued him from mom and a bit of smooth talking by Jack seemed to calm her down.  At the time it happened so fast and falcons were flying everywhere, one was trying to kill one it seemed so I wasn't really sure what the heck was going on so I waited a few days to scope out the situation!

Mercedes seems to be a bit behind in skills than his two brothers.  While they are out trying to hunt, he seems to be sitting near mom and crying for food nonstop since his return..and I mean nonstop!.

Hopefully he will catch up  soon as the other two are moving closer to dispersal with each day and spend a lot of time flying, playing and chasing pigeons together! 

I feel bad for Mercedes as he seems to be on his own and just hanging out with mom now while the other two are going farther out and exploring.  other than the reunion 2 days ago, I've not seen three in the air together since then..two together over on another building and little guy velcroed to mom.

I wonder if he was with Jack the entire time or if he was somewhere in a situation and Jack was watching over him as he wasn't seen at his other site the entire time either.  The last 2 days I've seen jack here alot again, back to his old routine.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #466 on: July 05, 2010, 19:51 »
Great reporting Carly.  
I hope you find that three boys are still around, not just two.  
It has been very interesting hearing your reports of Jack and his families.

Yes! :D

Offline bcbird

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #465 on: July 05, 2010, 16:14 »
Great reporting Carly. 
I hope you find that three boys are still around, not just two. 
It has been very interesting hearing your reports of Jack and his families.

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #464 on: July 05, 2010, 16:09 »
I just realized I never came back and updated on my but fledge watch takes its toll on you!

The boys all fledged successfully, all three at various times had to be rescued from a glass balcony - they learned the hard way you can't fly through glass!  But none were hurt and all stayed high up - the balconies were all on the top levels so they certainly flew well!  

The first few days after they fledged, Jack spent time with them and they all got some flying lessons but mom does most of the work and training from I can see lately.  We had a big storm here last Sunday and since then I've only seen 2 of the boys at any given time so I don't know if we lost one or he's just elusive.  

It's very different with all boys, they are much bolder than the girls which is a bit hard on the nerves.  It's so strange not seeing them always playing in the air and chasing each other like the past few years and I don't know if that's because of Jack's absence or it's a male thing but we had 2 boys last year and they were much more visible so I'm just attributing it to mom being more protective given she's the lone support most times.

Today I arrived at work and saw dead birds all over the road so I knew 'hunting' lessons had started.  I heard them screaming from the roof but only saw mom on the ledge of the roof.  About a half hour later I came out and saw a dead hawk on the road..but at the time I thought it looked like a juvie so I had a minor cardiac until I saw some white on it and of course soon as I saw his talons I knew it wasn't a peregrine.  

A half hour later I got a call from CPF that someone called in a dead falcon and they asked me to go see the security guy so I grabbed a large plastic bag and out I went.  Turns out he saw the same bird I did and by then traffic had slowed so I ran out and picked up the poor guy and checked over what was left of him and placed him in the bag and we laid him to rest.  Mark said from my description it sounds like it was a Sharpie or a Coopers and probably mom took him out.  So I will be out scanning the roads and sidewalks for the rest of the week as this is the time they could hurt themselves or worse - it's exciting but the boys fly so fast it's nerve wracking too!

Anyway heat wave has come to the city big time so I didn't see any of them after this mornings adventure, it's way too hot for even the birds  :-\
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 16:13 by carly »

Offline bev.

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #463 on: June 19, 2010, 19:39 »
 :-*to Blackie  nice he had strong flights

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #462 on: June 19, 2010, 17:03 »
Day 42 and we have a fledge!!  Blackberry has left the building!  He's taken three good strong flights and was back on the condo next to the nest ledge at the same height as the ledge.  He gained altitude with each flight he took and has done a great job!  

Hooray for Blackberry!  ;D Safe flying, little guy!

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #461 on: June 19, 2010, 16:15 »
Day 42 and we have a fledge!!  Blackberry has left the building!  He's taken three good strong flights and was back on the condo next to the nest ledge at the same height as the ledge.  He gained altitude with each flight he took and has done a great job! 

I'm just home for a quick dinner break and then I'm back out there! 

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #460 on: June 18, 2010, 05:16 »
The kids refuse to fly  :P

Still Waiting
- Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Frank Butson Reports:
It seems everyone else has flyers. Today the 3 boys were left alone alot. Mom stayed just out of their site. Blackberry,DotCa and Mercedes were flapping abit more today,gaining wing strength. All day they were not fed,prompting alot of screaming every time an adult was in view. Angel did many touch and goes trying to urge the boys into flight but she got no takers. Finally at 820pm they were fed a big meal. This settled them down for the night. These guys are still being babied by Angel. She was beak to beak feeding them again today.

Offline allikat

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #459 on: June 07, 2010, 00:07 »
Thank you so much for that link to the video!  That was incredible to watch!
Permanent grin on my face!   ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #458 on: June 06, 2010, 06:01 »
Thanks Carly, that was wonderful. Were you, by any chance, in the video too?? ;D I dive at the site of cameras! 

Offline bccs

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #457 on: June 06, 2010, 05:41 »
Thanks Carly, that was wonderful. Were you, by any chance, in the video too?? ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #456 on: June 06, 2010, 05:23 »
Here is FRank's video from our banding: