No she's not one of Mariahs, she's unbanded but I bet she's probably related to her!! They both have the same temperament...I think she's her long lost sister

I just meant that she was so aggressive in her attacks, she reminded me of Mariah during bandings and I thought it was a nice tribute

to the queen

The banding was a big PR event, government officials everywhere and quite a crowd. Lots of good news announcements for the CPF which I will leave to the CPF to relay as I really have no right to - although I think this will be on the news tonight as TV crews were everywhere. They even had a classroom of kids there! I spent my time hiding as I"m not big on the 'suits' thing but it was all good for the falcons so no complaints here!
They picked all the names (including a name we used last year for one of the boys!). They had trouble getting them off the ledge as they were quite feisty and mobile!! The little female screamed her poor little lungs out downstairs, the boys were quiet but they did bite the MNR guy a few times

. The boys were dark as you'll see once the pictures are posted and they were all just beautiful.
This year I went outside to watch them go up and get the chicks because I wanted to see how the parents reacted and it was a show worth watching. I felt for them because they were really upset and you know first time I've really seen mom and dad up close and wings spread on top of each other parallel like and she look almost 2 times the size of him..she's a seriously big falcon.