Author Topic: ON / Etobicoke - Bloor & Islington / 2008-21  (Read 115966 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #440 on: May 14, 2010, 12:37 »
Three Eyases just confirmed!!!  Both parents on site dive bombing Frank..!!  More details later when I get home!!

 ;D ;D ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #439 on: May 12, 2010, 17:35 »
All quiet here today, things are back to normal.  Saw Jack 3 times today and he stayed awhile.  Saw food in Angels' talons come off the ledge this morning but caught the tail end of what was happening.

Without further ado some photos from yesterday that tell us..well something is under her judging by her body but until we see a fluffy it's all speculation!  



Offline Alison

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #438 on: May 11, 2010, 21:45 »
Many thanks for the updates, Carly! What a stressful situation for all the birds involved in this mess - not to mention the humans.

I hope tomorrow will bring better news, and that meantime, Jack and Milton will stay away from each other. I don't like the sound of Milton having trouble landing - maybe a leg injury?

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #437 on: May 11, 2010, 17:16 »
Thank you as always TPC for your perspective and experience, I'd be lost without it!

You are no doubt correct about Jack sneaking in without us seeing as when Frank went up today - he saw food in the one cache he could see from up there!  Jack was outside today at about 11:30, I had just come out so don't know how long or short his visit was as he left within 5 minutes of my spotting him and headed up in TR direction.

Milton was not on site, I checked everywhere this morning so he hopefully got to a safer place at first light.  

What I meant about the juvie comment...was he had brown on him and he was puffy as you said - I sometimes have trouble articulating what I see especially when I'm wound up on nerves!  Mathew confirmed today that he did have brown on him too.   I think I was just over excited and freaked out about the way he looked..I was worried he was hurt but what you have explained helps me understand now what I was seeing and why - thank you for that!.  And he was preening later on, in fact he seemed overly concerned with his appearance to me.  Poor guy!

When Frank went up to the rooftop today, it was 10 degrees and really windy and cold wind chill.  Angel did not budge, would not move out of that nest box...not surprising given the weather.  He said she glared at him the entire time but was not giving up any secrets.  He did some leftover food he thinks.  He got some photos and will send them to me tonight when he gets home and perhaps I will see something that indicates a chick(s) presence.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 17:26 by carly »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #436 on: May 11, 2010, 16:03 »
Hey Carly,

First thing, keep in mind that you can't watch everywhere all at once.  Jack may very well be coming back to Angel but using the TR site as his base of operations - perhaps because he has better lines of sight from there.  And if he's close enough to be involved with both females then he is close enough to know what is going on at both sites.  I had a male at the Radisson that I almost never saw - for two years.  Freaked me out.  And the first year T-Rex arrived, he actually used to crawl under tiny overhangs (he was small) when he needed a break, he'd crawl under and go to sleep knowing no one could spot him, I found him one day, purely by chance, and an extraordinary one at that!

And the territorial defense you saw, that's pretty standard.  Since Milton isn't all hopped up on hormones right now, it could be that he was reticient to get himself in to deep since it sounds like Jack was in a 'roid rage at the time.  And yes, females will join in on the chase though actual fights tend to be gender-specific.

Milton, hmm molting. Molting won't make him look like a juvie.  Not in a million years.  And peregrines like all birds of prey don't lose enough feathers at one time to imperil their ability to fly or hunt or anything else, they lose a feather at a time.  The "spin-cycle" look you saw on the bird, when they've had a set-to, with humans or anything else, its very usual for them to puff up like that when they come to roost.  It can be a quick way of seeing how stressed/harrassed a bird is after a visit, watch and see how long it takes them to flatten out their feathers so they look sleek again or until they start preening.

Would Angel be chupping at Milton?  Guess it depends on whether she recognizes him as the mate she wants to be with.  If Jack is decreasing his visits to her, she may very well be happy to see Milton if he starts to slip into his "provider" role.  T-Rex took over a clutch of his father's in mid-incubation so I know for sure that its possible.  Why would she fly after him but chup at him on the nest.  One theory (note the word theory, I just don't know your birds well enough to say for sure) could be that when he's being chased by Jack, she joins in to protect the site.  When he's sitting quietly outside the box and Jack isn't there protesting, she might recognize him as not a threat.  Just a theory though.

Hope some of this helps ... even if it only gives you more things to look out for ...

Offline bev.

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #435 on: May 11, 2010, 08:18 »
What a a mess, Carly.

I sometimes wonder what thee guys are thinking. they are supposed to be the experts, you would think. but sometimes they lose touch with what is going on. they should have known better, than to release Milton.

Let us hope for a good outcome. utmost concern for me ,would be the chicks ,right now.
But my heart is thumping for poor Milton, who would not know where else to go.
Been through it with Miss Edmonton but no chicks were involved.

Tough , tough , tough

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #434 on: May 11, 2010, 04:43 »
Well, we'll all be waiting for any news from you, carly. So much drama! I do hope that Angel hasn't been left all alone at the nest site. Are there eggs or chicks in this nest right now? :-\

We think the eggs have hatched but will require a visual to confirm.  Supposed to go up today and check however if she is still stressed and this other male is there I'm going to recommend they don't as they might send her over the edge.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #433 on: May 10, 2010, 20:35 »
Well, we'll all be waiting for any news from you, carly. So much drama! I do hope that Angel hasn't been left all alone at the nest site. Are there eggs or chicks in this nest right now? :-\

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #432 on: May 10, 2010, 20:23 »
Just got a late night report from my friend who is watching our site from her balcony. Apparently mom has left the ledge several times to go after 'Milton' and she hit him twice. He is flying okay but is having trouble landing. He's now settled on a nearby building on a sign and hopefully will be safe there tonight and can rest and get the heck out of there in the morning.

Jack seems to have abandoned mom and is still at TR Site with the TR Mom. Mom is there alone defending and looking after whatever is in the nest.

I'm off to bed, up early tomorrow and going to take a half day and see what we can do about this nightmare.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #431 on: May 10, 2010, 19:44 »
Toronto Residential Male was released today...great timing....let's hope he doesn't head straight home and fight Jack for his territory back!!

You did predict this might happen, didn't you, carly. :(

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #430 on: May 10, 2010, 19:30 »
Carly, I'm so sorry about everything that has been happening today with Jack and Milton. I hope the injuries are not serious, and that both will be okay.

Please keep us updated.

Thanks Alison.  I don't know what possessed them to do a release now and how in the world they could think that Milton wouldn't go home.  I feel awful for the little guy, they sent him into chaos.  They were well aware that both sites were incubating and due to hatch any day...honestly...I don't know what to think anymore.

Offline Alison

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #429 on: May 10, 2010, 19:22 »
Carly, I'm so sorry about everything that has been happening today with Jack and Milton. I hope the injuries are not serious, and that both will be okay.

Please keep us updated.

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #428 on: May 10, 2010, 18:13 »
Forgot to say what my questions were..heh!  Angel knows this falcon is on the other side, would she chup to a stranger?  Would she attack Jack?  I know that Wind attacked Windwhistler when she felt he neglected her for his other nest site.

Perhaps she's only taking short runs at this guy because she can't leave the chicks for long?  Honestly what a day!

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #427 on: May 10, 2010, 17:25 »
TPC, I need your help.  AT 3:45 two male falcons came into my territory and both were clearly in battle, hitting each other and circling each other in the air and kept heading south.  I was on the ground down the road and tried running down the street, saw them up in the air battling and then they seemed to go into the was a hit, chase, circle, hit, get the locked talons or anything.  Suddenly I hear alarm calling from the ledge, I look over and Angel is clearly upset as she can now see all this.  She keeps calling, jumps in and out of the nest box several times - then she suddenly takes to the air, vaults off the ledge is more like it.  She zooms over to where they are and I see her chasing a falcon off and diving to hit it..once again blinded by sunlight.  

The longest minute passes and I see two falcons head back to the building, one clearly our girl and she heads immediately to the nest box and the other a tiercel who heads to the ADP sign on the opposite side.  All is quiet and I look up at what I think is Jack and think wow he looks rough and then I check the ledge and all is calm again.  I run upstairs to email Mathew and tell him what I saw.  Come back out and no one on the ADP sign so I though okay Jacks' left for the other site.  I walk down the street a bit and turn around and a tiercel is back on the ADP sign.  I run over to the lane way to get a better look and see wow is that a juvie?  He looks like he's molting or someone threw him in the dryer.  Preen, preen, he's more interested in his appearance.  I hear Angel chupping - not rapidly, no alarm calling and think ok it's either a break or she wants food.

Suddenly she leaves the box, flies over the building and dive bombs him!  He takes off, she follows on his heels and almost drives him down to the ground.  I'm thinking...ummm..okay is she upset cause he's left her so long with no food for the kids???  She is clearly chasing him off at this point, she flies back to the nest box, he follows her, tries to land on ledge and I dont' know if she gave him a look or what but he decided to back up and went over the building and back onto the ADP sign.

I watch some more and all is calm again.  I go in to email Mathew and he says oh I think Jack is here on the ledge but it could be mom too and by the way the rehabber told me Milton is ready to molt???!!!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 17:44 by carly »

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2010 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #426 on: May 10, 2010, 11:46 »
12:45 went out for quick smoke and caught mom on the next ledge over, she did a poop shoot, looked around and went right back into the box.