Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2008-2011 / Dakota Ace & Miracle

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The Peregrine Chick:
One of Dakota Ace's kids has turned up back in Grand Forks with Terminator (from Brandon) for a second year. 

More information here:,8.0.html

Update (posted March 23, 2010)

Both adult peregrines are now back in Fargo. The female was first seen on March 14, and she was joined by the male today. Although they have not been positively identified, based on appearances and behavior they are almost certainly Dakota Ace and Miracle, our resident pair for the past several years.

In anticipation of another nesting, this website is currently being updated. The text has been expanded and revised. We are in the process of adding photos. Most significantly, two new cameras have been installed to monitor activity in the nest box. At present, access to the web camera images is limited, as the software is incompatible with many systems. Steps designed to provide easy and universal access are underway, and will hopefully be completed soon.

The Peregrine Chick:
Dakota Ace has been the resident male for years and he has a black/red band on his left leg (b/r *H/D - that's sideways H over D).

Last year's resident female was Miracle, black over green band on left leg (b/g 28/D) - she's from the Sherco Plant in Minnesota.  Previous female was also a black over green banded female, Frieda (b/g 24/A) who was from the Dairyland Coop Plant in Alma, Wisconsin.

Have to wait and see if Wick and the gang can get some band numbers soon.  Great webcaptures Kitten!

Another note - we have a connection with Fargo in that T2/Terminator who is nesting in Grand Forks now is the daughter of Holly, the former resident female in Brandon who in turn is the daughter of Dakota Ace and Frieda from Fargo.  T2/Terminator's mates from 2008 (Bear) and 2009 (Roosevelt) are originally from Fargo as well.

Well I don't know who is who but I got one that is black/green and one is black/red


The Peregrine Chick:
News from my contact in Fargo, we have had a peregrine in the vicinity of the nestbox but they don't yet have an id on it though he thinks it is a female and it could be their resident female.

There have been some problems with the cameras recently and they hope to have them all sorted for the season shortly.  Its been awhile since we had a cam on this site so it will be nice to have them back again!


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