News, Videos & Other Webcams > Birds in the News

News: Other Falcons

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Thank you for the specific instructions, TPC.

I hadn't wanted to click any link when you first mentioned the disturbing pictures.

Now I have signed the petition, and avoided the video. 

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on January 03, 2013, 05:10 ---After opening the first link, which was heartwrenching, I immediately closed it and cried. :'(

--- End quote ---

When I opened the email it was because it was about a falcon with the transmitter that was migrating astounding distances.  The reason I posted it here was because of how lucky (or smart) she was to be able to make these migrations successfully!

If you can't bear to open the links, avoid the first 3 but open the petition and do not play the video.  The page provides a little information and the opportunity to act by signing a petition - and not just a petition, you can add a note as well. 

Remember environmentalists are often viewed as extremists these days (even by our own federal government at times) so if you do leave a message in support of the petition, remember you can "catch more flies with honey".  Doesn't mean you don't plan to hit them with a rolled-up newspaper but you have to get them to come close and not be afraid of the "newspaper".  Often its just a case of how you word it - i.e., don't let them see the newspaper!

After opening the first link, which was heartwrenching, I immediately closed it and cried. :'(

The Peregrine Chick:
I also meant to include on my original post that I apologize for not being able to start the year off with a happier "news" story.  :'(

Absolutely horrendous.  :'(


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