Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Thanks for the link, gliderpeople -- that's a good article about the work that Elli Jadek is doing, though a sad incident with the falcon fledgling. After watching our three soar around the downtown sky, it's hard not to feel very protective about them, even knowing the discouraging statistics about their survival rates. While on fledge watch, I was desperately afraid that something bad might happen -- and so relieved and happy when nothing did. Yesterday evening, I was downtown and made a point of stopping briefly in the parking lot to look up and search the sky -- I was delighted to catch sight of one of the chicks, one of the males judging by the lack of squawking, fly over the Rogers building and land on one of the louvered areas at the top of the Radisson. His feathers were windblown, but his flying was strong and confident. Trey was sitting on the J of the Richardson Building. Didn't see any sign of the other three, but it was so windy they were likely in some sheltered place, tucked out of the wind.

sorry .... I forgot to put the link in my post .... trying again


Peregrine falcon hatched on U of C campus dies  (16 July 2009)

Three falcon chicks huddle around the unhatched egg. (Courtesy of Elli Jilek)

One of three peregrine falcon fledglings hatched on a University of Calgary building has died, and a university employee who has designated herself the birds' foster mom is keeping a close watch on the remaining two.  On Tuesday, a young female falcon learning to fly hit a glass pane and broke its neck.

"That was a huge loss for us," said Elli Jilek, a specialist advisor at the campus library who has spent 14 nesting seasons observing a ledge on Craigie Hall where generations of the same falcon family nest.  But the good news is that the male falcon has been doing really well and is flying already, following the parent, begging for food in mid-flight."  On Thursday morning, the remaining female falcon fledgling was also spotted safe on the ledge and later a nearby roof.

Falcons listed as threatened species. The university's falcons are members of anatum subspecies, a threatened species in Canada. One Alberta wildlife official recently estimated that the province only has 60 pairs of peregrine falcons.  Jilek volunteers her time monitoring the nest, working with experts, including a falconer and a fish and wildlife biologist from Alberta Sustainable Resource and Development.  "I call myself the foster mom because I do keep an eye out for them," she said. "When there are accidents or injuries or whatever, I do try and step in and help out."

A pair of falcons nested on Craigie Hall in early April, and four eggs were spotted about two weeks later. Three chicks were born in early June. The fourth egg never hatched. By the end of June, the three chicks — one male and two females — were banded for tracking purposes.  "All appear healthy, are feisty and not impressed with their new 'bracelets'," wrote Jilek on her blog.

She posted a warning around campus on July 6 about the birds' first flight lessons. It includes phone numbers to call in case of a "crash landing," as well as tips for helping a hurt bird.  Jilek said she was concerned because the mortality rate of peregrine falcons in their first year is 65 to 85 per cent.  She hopes the remaining two birds will survive and the nest will be busy again next spring.

From TPC: I've added the story in full here to keep it safe

here is the link to the CBC story from Calgary ..... you can watch the video clip by clicking on "real time video" on the top right side of the page under "VIDEO"

I unfortunately didn't see the entire story, but CBC Newsworld air a story early this Friday morning about the Peregrine Falcon family in Calgary (I think at the University). There was some good video footage along with the story, but there was a sad report that the "just fledge" female crashed into a window and broke her neck ..... glad to know that Ty, Tupper and Vesper didn't have any casulties .... hope they're flying around and having a nice day. Les and Kathy in Dauphin.

Finally!!!  Wow Elli has been watching them for 14 years.  Aww..they showed the mark on the window where the little girl hit the window..she hit so hard, it marked it  :-\.   Construction site nearby and the parents have been attacking the workers...lol.  They hold 'peregrine orientation' for the new hires and teach the workers not to upset them!  Nice photos of both parents flying and perching nearby.


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