Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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I'm thinking "Flopsy" must have been located on the ground... I just observed someone placing him back in the nest box, releasing him from a bag through a hatch to the nest box.

The 2nd fledgling at this nest site, "Flopsy," fledged sucessfully yesterday, July 18th. :)
His brother, "Fluffy," fledged successfully on July 11th.

According to the website, the 2 chicks were banded on June 26th.
Both are male - names are Fluffy & Flopsy, as named by the chat posters, I think. ::)
Apparently Fluffy has fledged - now there's an alliteration for you! LOL! ;)

Apparently, the 2 infertile eggs were removed from the nest site on June 16th. Not sure if they were removed by the PF parents or the Recovery Project Coordinator. :-\

The 2 chicks at this nest site are sleeping up against the stone wall at the moment. The nest box is such a mess of dead birdie parts & feathers that it looks like a disaster zone! ::) :-X


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