Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Yesterday's news from the U of Calgary PF website...

April 14: our live web cam feed is now up and running (fingers crossed it stays that way). It is on the ledge, near their scrape, and will hopefully stay intact. Last year the young chicks often pecked at the camera lens and even managed to knock it over several times, making more trouble for me to fix it each time. It is now in a more stable container and although nothing is 'happening' right now, eggs should soon be laid, if all goes well.

To access the live feed, click on 'live video' link above and then hit the 'play' option.

This is a great webcam, with great sound. I just went there and I saw a peregrine working on a scrape, at the moment. :D

Here is the link - http://www.justin.tv/lcrweb?utm_campaign=live_embed_click&utm_source=www.ucalgary.ca#/w/1081790864/18

News today from the U of Calgary Peregrine Falcon website home page...

Since March 21 is the first official day of spring, it was only fitting that the first appearance of a peregrine falcon was on that day. (as far as I know). I saw it (him/her) sitting on the usual spot - top south-west facing window ledge of the Social Sciences bldg., so it may be a returning adult.

A few days later Campus Security also confirmed that they had seen 2 falcons on the Craigie Hall nest ledge, which is terrific news. Let's hope that they are mature adults that will be able to produce eggs.

One or 2 peregrines are usually on or near the ledge, and with the new TFDL (Taylor Family Digital Library) slowly being opened up to the public, the 6th floor (south-facing) will be a great place from which to watch falcon activities.

Apparently, a live webcam feed is in the works and should be up before too long! :D


A few days ago, I wrote to Elli Jilec, whom I think is the biologist looking after the University of Calgary site. I received the following reply from her today...

I only got back to work today, and have read your message. It is nice to know that my web page is being viewed and used by so many out there....

Our first falcon came back March 21st - appropriately I guess, and I have had another confirmation that 2 were seen by Security (they have their cameras on various buildings) this past Friday. They were on their usual ledge, so it looks good so far. Time will tell if they are a pair, productive and mature adults.

I will be updating my page soon, and this is the best place for any info you need. You can use anything that I post, as it is for the general public. As for the web camera, that is being worked on as we speak. I am not sure what or when I can have one put in place, as we have several issues, incl. a new bldg. opposite the ledge now, and thus, have to make adjustments. This will also be announced on the web page, so stay tuned.

Thanks again for your interest and for doing the work you and others do also. We are all just supporters of our feathered friends.....


The Peregrine Chick:
Craigie Hall, U of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

(photos:  building from University of Calgary; nest ledge (light dot is a peregrine) by Greg Harris/University Gazette)

(photos:  nest ledge from BCAW via RCF; chick being returned to ledge through wall by Greg Harris/University Gazette)

Originally named Calgary Hall when it was built in 1965, Craigie Hall was renamed after the untimely death of former Vice-President (Academic) Peter C. Craigie in 1987. The Craigie Hall complex is comprised of a number of adjoined buildings. Here you will find the Boris Roubakine Theatre and the Matthews Theatre. Craigie Hall is home to the Program of Dance and the Departments of Drama, Music, French, Italian and Spanish, and Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies.

webcam: http://www.ucalgary.ca/peregrine_falcon/video

website:  http://www.ucalgary.ca/peregrine_falcon

Resident Pairs & Offspring:

* 2013 - Gary & Callie --> ?
* 2012 - Gary & Callie --> Jasper (m), A89 (m) & Louise (f)
* 2011 - Gary & Callie --> Bert (m) & Allie (f)
* 2010 - Gary & Callie --> ?
* 2009 - Gary & Callie --> ?
* 2008 - Gary & Callie --> ?
* 2007 - Gary & Callie --> ?
* 2006 - Gary & Callie --> ?

Haven't been able to get this webcam lately, either.  :-\

--- Quote from: Elaine L on July 20, 2010, 10:30 ---I can't get it, either.  The last report from the biologist, Elli Jilek, was on July 16, and gave the impression that they were shutting down, and that if anyone had anything to report about the chicks, they should contact him.
--- End quote ---

Actually Elaine, when I read the last blog report from July 16th, they seemed to imply that they were going to leave the webcam in place and running until the birds leave the region, since they often come back to the nestledge/box after fledging. Perhaps it's down because one of the birds knocked it out again.  ??? This seems to have been an occasional occurance at this site.


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