Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

<< < (24/49) > >>

The sound comes on about 1:09........ you may want to turn it down a bit. The falcon does a lot of chupping and bowing but I have yet to see two at the same time.  ::)


Video of falcon preening - http://youtu.be/uBbJp1JLyqk

As of March 28th, 2 falcons have been spotted on the nest ledge, possibly re-affirming their territory. Webcam reading of the leg bands has almost positively confirmed that the female is the resident adult from last year. :D Male has not yet been ID'd.

I checked this website last week and the webcam was not yet up. Must have just gone up recently. Have sent them an e-mail asking if their PF's have returned yet. Will post here when I hear back from them. Or maybe we will see the birds on the webcam before that! LOL! ;)

The Peregrine Chick:

Checked out the links to make sure they were up and operating (they are) but nobody in the nestbox and it doesn't look like anyone has been there though there was a small white downy feather caught in the pebbles.  The website home page is still for 2011 so either someone is home and the website hasn't been updated yet or no one is home yet.  Either way, the cam appears to be running so its just a matter of waiting now.


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