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The Peregrine Chick:
Depends on how many pages are in the thread - up to a certain number, the system will display all so you can scroll up/down the entire thread.  Longer threads, you have to go through page by page.  I tend to look for my last post and then work my way forward ...

For the newbies, I should say that my page is set to have the most recent post at the top, and the first one at the end. 

I can't believe I didn't know this.... :-[
Thanks Liz!!! :P

Oh heck ya!  If it's long, it's way easier to open All Pages, and then hit Down.  It takes you to the beginning and you can just continue reading to the top.  It's good for the pages that are one day at a time - June 12, June 13...

There's an option to open all pages?  Oh my...I don't spend nearly enough time on the forum to know this  ::)


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